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2016-09-03 19:01:19 来源:www.45fan.com 【


发信人: Colby (五支蚊子), 信区: Movie
标 题: 100部最佳美国影片
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Aug 24 23:18:32 2000)

1.《公民凯恩》(Citizen Kane,1941) 1
2.《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca,1942) 1
3.《教父》(The Godfather,1972) 1
4.《乱世佳人》(Gone With the Wind,1939) 1
5.《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(Lawrence of Arabia,1962)
6.《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard of Oz,1939) 1
7.《毕业生》(The Gradute,1967) 1
8.《码头风云》(On the Waterfront,1954)
9.《辛德勒名单》(Schindler's List,1993) 1
10.《雨中曲》(Singin' in the Rain,1952)
11.《美好生活》(It's a Wonderful Life,1946)
12.《日落大道》(Sunset Boulevard,1950)
13.《桂河大桥》(The Bridge on the River Kwai,1957) 1
14.《热情似火》(Some Like It Hot,1959)
15.《星球大战》(Star Wars,1977) 1
16.《慧星美人》(All About Eve,1950)
17.《非洲皇后号》(The African Queen,1951)
20.《飞跃疯人院》(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,1975)
21.《愤怒之花》(The Grapes' of Wrath,1940)
22.《2001漫游太空》(2001:A Space Odyssey,1968)
23.《马耳他之鹰》(The Maltese Falcon,1941)
24.《愤怒的公牛》(Raging Bull,1980)
25.《ET外星人》(E.T. — the Extra — Terrestrial,1982) 1
27.《邦妮与克莱德》(Bonnie and Clyde,1967)
28.《现代启示录》(Apocalypse Now,1979) 1
29.《史密斯先生去华盛顿》(Mr.Smoth Goes to Washington,1939)
30.《宝石岭》(the Treasure of Sierra Madre,1948)
31.《安妮.霍尔》(Annie Hall,1977)
32.《教父续集》(The Goafather II,1974) 1
33.《正午》(High Noon,1952)
34.《杀死一只知更鸟》(To Kill a Mockingbird,1962) 1
35.《一夜风流》(It Happened One Night,1934)
36.《午夜牛朗》(Midnight Cowboy,1969)
37.《黄金时代》(The Best Years of Our Lives,1946)
38.《双重赔偿》(double Indemnity,1944)
39.《日瓦戈医生》(Doctor Zhivago,1965)
40.《西北偏北》(North by Northwest,1959)
41.《西区故事》(West Side Story,1961)
42.《后窗》(Rear Window,1954)
43.《金刚》(King Kong,1933)
44.《一个国家的诞生》(The Birth of a Nation,1915)
45.《欲望号街车》(A treetcar Named Desire,1951)
46.《发条桔子》(A Clockwork Orange,1971)
47.《出租汽车司机》(taxi Driver,1976)
49.《白雪公主》(Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,1937)
50.《虎豹小霸王》(Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,1969)
51.《费城故事》(The Philadelphia,1940) 1
52.《永垂不朽》(From Here to Eternity,1953)
54.《西线无故事》(All Quiet on the Western Front,1930)
55.《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music,1965)
57.《第三个人》(The Third Man,1949)
59.《无因的反抗》(Rebel Without a Cause,1955)
60.《夺宝奇兵》(Raiders of the Lost Ark,1981) 1
64.《第三类接触》(Close Encounters of the Third King,1977)
65.《沉默羔羊》(The Silence of Lambs,1991) 1
67.《满洲候选人》(Thw Manchurian Candidate,1962)
68.《一个美国人在巴黎》(An American in Paris,1951)
70.《法国贩毒网》(The French Connection,1971)
71.《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump,1994) 1
72.《宾虚传》(Ben-Hur,1959) 1
73.《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights,1939)
74.《淘金记》(The Gold Rush,1925)
75.《与狼共舞》(Dances With Wolves,1990)
76.《城市之光》(City Lights,1931)
77.《美国风景画》(Amercan Graffiti,1973)
78.《洛基》(Rocky,1976) 1
79.《猎鹿人》(The Deer Hunter,1978)
80.《野战群》(The Wild Bunch,1969)
81.《摩登时代》(Moden times,1936)
85.《鸭子汤》(Duck Soup,1933)
86.《叛舰喋血记》(Mutiny on the Bounty,1935)
88.《逍遥骑士》(Easy Raider,1969)
90.《爵士歌手》(The Jazz Singer,1927)
91.《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady,1927)
92.《阳光普照》(A Place in the Sun,1951)
93.《桃色公寓》(The Apartment,1960)
95.《低俗小说》(Pulp Fiction,1994) 1
96.《搜索者》(The Searcher,1956)
97.《育婴记》(Bring Up Baby,1938)
99.《猜猜谁来吃晚餐》(Guess Who's Comming to Dinner,1967)
100.《胜利之歌》(Yankee Doodle Dandy,1942)

20 have been enjoyed!!!!
:: 我想说,却不敢说,但还是要说... ::
:: 嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡..... ::
:: OICQ:481997 ::




发信人: Bob (Dinosaur), 信区: MovieTV
标 题: Readers' 100 Best Movies of All Time
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Apr 12 15:14:32 1997)

Readers' 100 Best Movies of All Time

A COUPLE of months ago, the editors of Mr. Showbiz put
together a list of films we deemed the 100 Best Movies of
All Time. We also asked our devoted (and extremely
opinionated) readers to share with us their choices for the
Ten Best Movies of All Time, and what a lot of sharing we
got: almost three thousand people submitted their lists. A
lot of number-crunching later, here are the results, our
Readers' 100 Best Movies of All Time. It bears many
similarities to our original list (Casablanca and Citizen
Kane made it to the top ten of both) and many differences
(Beavis & Butt-head appear nowhere on the original). But we
won't do all the analysis for you; compare and contrast for

1. Star Wars 1《星球大战》
2. The Godfather 1《教父》
3. Pulp Fiction 1《低俗小说》
4. Casablanca 1《卡萨布兰卡》
5. Gone With the Wind 1《乱世佳人》
6. Raiders of the Lost Ark 1《夺宝奇兵》
7. Schindler's List 1《辛德勒的名单》
8. Citizen Kane 1《公民凯恩》
9. The Empire Strikes Back 1《帝国反击战》
10. It's a Wonderful Life 《美好生活》
11. The Silence of the Lambs 1《沉默的羔羊》
12. Braveheart 1《勇敢的心》
13. E.T. 1《E.T. 外星人》
14. The Godfather, Part II 1 《教父 2》
15. Forrest Gump 1《阿甘正传》
16. Apocalypse Now 1《现代启示录》
17. 2001: A Space Odyssey 《2001漫游太空》
18. The Shawshank Redemption 1《肖恩克的救赎》
19. The Wizard of Oz 1 《绿野仙踪》
20. Independence Day 1《独立日》
21. Goodfellas 1《好家伙》
22. Blade Runner 12020
23. Return of the Jedi 杰迪复仇 / 星球大战3 / 绝地大反攻
24. Jaws 1《大白鲨》
25. Beavis & Butt-Head Do America 瘟四与大头蛋
26. Die Hard 1 终极警探
27. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 飞越疯人院
28. The Sound of Music 1《音乐之声》
29. Dr. Strangelove 《奇爱博士》
30. The Usual Suspects
31. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective 神探飞机头1 / 宠物侦探
32. Lawrence of Arabia 《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》
33. A Clockwork Orange 《发条桔子》
34. Taxi Driver 1《出租汽车司机》
35. The Graduate 1《毕业生》
36. Terminator 2 1《终结者 2》
37. Terminator 1《终结者》
38. Fargo 1《冰血暴》
39. North by Northwest 《西北偏北》
40. Rear Window 《后窗》
41. Raging Bull 《愤怒的公牛》
42. Grease
43. Singin' in the Rain 1《雨中曲》
44. Reservoir Dogs 落水狗
45. Psycho 《精神病患者》
46. Aliens 1《异形》
47. Annie Hall 《安妮.霍尔》
48. Vertigo 《眩晕》
49. Dances With Wolves 1《与狼共舞》
50. The Princess Bride
51. Top Gun 壮志凌云
52. Unforgiven 《不可饶朔
53. Seven 1七宗罪
54. West Side Story 《西区故事》
55. Chinatown 《唐人街》
56. The Piano
57. Field of Dreams
58. The Rock 石破天惊 / 勇闯夺命岛 / 绝地任务
59. Trainspotting 1 迷幻列车 / 猜火车 / 定位的火车
60. Jerry Maguire 甜心先生 征服情海
61. The Deer Hunter 《猎鹿者》
62. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
63. Some Like It Hot 《热情似火》
64. Jurassic Park 1《侏罗纪公园》
65. The Bridge on the River Kwai 1《桂河大桥》
66. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 圣战奇兵
67. The Maltese Falcon
68. Twister 龙卷风暴 / 龙卷风
69. Ben Hur 1《宾虚》
70. Heat 1《盗火线》
71. When Harry Met Sally 哈里遇见赛丽
72. The Philadelphia Story 1 《费城故事》
73. Back to the Future 回到未来
74. Apollo 13 1太阳神13号 阿波罗13
75. Rocky 1《洛基》
76. Blue Velvet 蓝色夜合花
77. Amadeus 莫扎特
78. Speed 1生死时速 / 捍卫战警
79. Dead Poet's Society 1《死亡诗社》
80. Rain Man 《雨人》
81. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 1《黄金三剑客》
82. Midnight Cowboy 《午夜牛郎》
83. Manhattan
84. The Lion King 1 《狮子王》
85. Platoon 《野战排》
86. Brazil 妙想天开
87. All About Eve 慧星美人
88. Raising Arizona 宝贝梦惊魂
89. The Breakfast Club
90. Quiet Man
91. Dr. Zhivago 日瓦哥医生 / 齐阿哥医生
92. A Time To Kill
93. Breakfast at Tiffany's 在蒂凡尼处早餐 / 珠光宝器
94. A Few Good Men
95. Tootsie 杜丝先生
96. The Fugitive
97. The English Patient 1《英国病人》
98. Toy Story 玩具总动员
99. Alien 1 异形
100. Patton 《巴顿将军》

32 have been digested or browsed


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