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2016-09-04 18:54:29 来源:www.45fan.com 【




/* ++++++++++++++++++++ UNICODE ++++++++++++++++++++ */

#define _TEOF WEOF

#define _tmain wmain

#ifdef UNDER_CE
#define _tWinMain WinMain // On CE it's always WinMain
#define _tWinMain wWinMain

/* Formatted i/o */
#define _tprintf wprintf
#define _ftprintf fwprintf
#define _stprintf swprintf
#define _sntprintf _snwprintf
#define _vtprintf vwprintf
#define _vftprintf vfwprintf
#define _vstprintf vswprintf
#define _vsntprintf _vsnwprintf
#define _tscanf wscanf
#define _ftscanf fwscanf
#define _stscanf swscanf

/* Unformatted i/o */
#define _fgettc fgetwc
#define _fgetts fgetws
#define _fputtc fputwc
#define _fputts fputws
#define _gettc getwc
#define _gettchar getwchar
#define _getts _getws
#define _puttc putwc
#define _puttchar putwchar
#define _putts _putws
#define _ungettc ungetwc

// Stdio functions
#define _tfopen _wfopen
#define _tfreopen _wfreopen

/* String conversion functions */
#define _tcstod wcstod
#define _tcstol wcstol
#define _tcstoul wcstoul

#define _itot _itow
#define _ltot _ltow
#define _ultot _ultow
#define _ttoi _wtoi
#define _ttol _wtol
#define _ttoi64 _wtoi64

/* String functions */
#define _tcscat wcscat
#define _tcschr wcschr
#define _tcscmp wcscmp
#define _tcscpy wcscpy /////这个是将字符串1 copy 到字符串2
#define _tcscspn wcscspn
#define _tcslen wcslen
#define _tcsclen wcslen

#define _tcsncat wcsncat
#define _tcsnccat wcsncat
#define _tcsnccmp wcsncmp
#define _tcsncmp wcsncmp
#define _tcsncpy wcsncpy
#define _tcsnccpy wcsncpy
#define _tcspbrk wcspbrk
#define _tcsrchr wcsrchr
#define _tcsspn wcsspn
#define _tcsstr wcsstr
#define _tcstok wcstok
#define _tcsdup _wcsdup
#define _tcsicmp _wcsicmp
#define _tcsncicmp _wcsnicmp
#define _tcsnicmp _wcsnicmp
#define _tcsnset _wcsnset
#define _tcsncset _wcsnset
#define _tcsrev _wcsrev
#define _tcsset _wcsset

#define _tcslwr _wcslwr
#define _tcsupr _wcsupr

// ctype functions
#define _istalpha iswalpha
#define _istupper iswupper
#define _istlower iswlower
#define _istdigit iswdigit
#define _istxdigit iswxdigit
#define _istspace iswspace
#define _istpunct iswpunct
#define _istalnum iswalnum
#define _istprint iswprint
#define _istgraph iswgraph
#define _istcntrl iswcntrl
#define _istascii iswascii

#define _totupper towupper
#define _totlower towlower

#define _istlegal(_c) (1)
#define _istlead(_c) (0)
#define _istleadbyte(_c) (0)

#else /* ndef UNICODE */


void DoWithDSPFile(LPTSTR szDSPFileName)
VC::VCProjectEnginePtr ptrVC(__uuidof(
// for project conversion
EnvDTE::ProjectItemPtr proj; // not used
VC::VCProjectPtr ptrProject; // smart ptr to project
TCHAR szCurDir[_MAX_PATH]; // full path to current
// directory
_bstr_t bstrCD; // smart bstring version of
// the above
TCHAR szVCProj[_MAX_PATH]; // full path to the new
// .vcproj file
_bstr_t bstrVCProj; // bstr version of above
TCHAR szDSP[_MAX_PATH]; // full path to the old .dsp
// file to convert
TCHAR szBareVCProj[_MAX_PATH]; // bare VCProj project name
// with eg myproj.vcproj
TCHAR szSoln[_MAX_PATH]; // solution
TCHAR szBareName[_MAX_PATH]; // solution bare name
_bstr_t bstrBareSoln; // bare (base) solution name
TCHAR* p; // pointer to a subsbring

// grab our directory
_tgetcwd(szCurDir, _MAX_PATH);
bstrCD = szCurDir;

_tcscpy(szVCProj, szCurDir);

// add original name
_tcscat(szVCProj, szDSPFileName);

// replace extension with .vcproj
p = PathFindExtension(szVCProj);
_tcscpy(p, _T(".vcproj"));

// did we already do it?
if (PathFileExists(szVCProj))

// tell the user & go to next file
_ftprintf(stdout, _T("Skipping %s because already converted/n"),

// OK using smart pointers here, need try/catch
// get full path to DSP file
_tcscpy(szDSP, szCurDir);
_tcscat(szDSP, szDSPFileName);

// load old dsp file
ptrProject = ptrVC->LoadProject(szDSP);

// generate name from .DSP name (same base name)
_tcscpy(szBareVCProj, szDSPFileName);
p = PathFindExtension(szBareVCProj);
_tcscpy(p, _T(".vcproj"));

// name the project as proj.vcproj

// save converted project (this will create the .vcproj file

// need to worry about creating a solution (.sln) file.
// This was the hard part to figure out.
_tcscpy(szSoln, szDSPFileName);
p = PathFindExtension(szSoln);
_tcscpy(p, _T(".sln"));
_tgetcwd(szCurDir, _MAX_PATH);

// create empty solution
EnvDTE::_SolutionPtr ptrSoln(_T("VisualStudio.Solution.7.1"));

// get the bare name for the solution
_tcscpy(szBareName, szDSPFileName);
p = PathFindExtension(szBareName);
*p = 0; // cut off at extension

// get a bstring
bstrBareSoln = szBareName;

// and create the empty solution
ptrSoln->Create(bstrCD, bstrBareSoln);

// get the filename of our new solution
bstrVCProj = szVCProj;

// and add it into the newly created solution, replacing
// whatever was there
ptrSoln->AddFromFile(bstrVCProj, FALSE,

_ftprintf(stdout, _T("Project %s converted OK/n"), szVCProj);
_ftprintf(stdout, _T("Something bad happened.../n"));



Tags: 操作 字符 unicode
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