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如何在Zend Framework教程中封装Zend_Controller_Response?

2016-11-19 21:17:07 来源:www.45fan.com 【

如何在Zend Framework教程中封装Zend_Controller_Response?

本文实例讲述了Zend Framework教程之响应对象的封装Zend_Controller_Response用法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:




├── Response
│ ├── Abstract.php
│ ├── Cli.php
│ ├── Exception.php
│ ├── Http.php
│ └── HttpTestCase.php


abstract class Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 * Body content
 * @var array
 protected $_body = array();
 * Exception stack
 * @var Exception
 protected $_exceptions = array();
 * Array of headers. Each header is an array with keys 'name' and 'value'
 * @var array
 protected $_headers = array();
 * Array of raw headers. Each header is a single string, the entire header to emit
 * @var array
 protected $_headersRaw = array();
 * HTTP response code to use in headers
 * @var int
 protected $_httpResponseCode = 200;
 * Flag; is this response a redirect?
 * @var boolean
 protected $_isRedirect = false;
 * Whether or not to render exceptions; off by default
 * @var boolean
 protected $_renderExceptions = false;
 * Flag; if true, when header operations are called after headers have been
 * sent, an exception will be raised; otherwise, processing will continue
 * as normal. Defaults to true.
 * @see canSendHeaders()
 * @var boolean
 public $headersSentThrowsException = true;
 * Normalize a header name
 * Normalizes a header name to X-Capitalized-Names
 * @param string $name
 * @return string
 protected function _normalizeHeader($name)
 $filtered = str_replace(array('-', '_'), ' ', (string) $name);
 $filtered = ucwords(strtolower($filtered));
 $filtered = str_replace(' ', '-', $filtered);
 return $filtered;
 * Set a header
 * If $replace is true, replaces any headers already defined with that
 * $name.
 * @param string $name
 * @param string $value
 * @param boolean $replace
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function setHeader($name, $value, $replace = false)
 $name = $this->_normalizeHeader($name);
 $value = (string) $value;
 if ($replace) {
  foreach ($this->_headers as $key => $header) {
  if ($name == $header['name']) {
 $this->_headers[] = array(
  'name' => $name,
  'value' => $value,
  'replace' => $replace
 return $this;
 * Set redirect URL
 * Sets Location header and response code. Forces replacement of any prior
 * redirects.
 * @param string $url
 * @param int $code
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function setRedirect($url, $code = 302)
 $this->setHeader('Location', $url, true)
 return $this;
 * Is this a redirect?
 * @return boolean
 public function isRedirect()
 return $this->_isRedirect;
 * Return array of headers; see {@link $_headers} for format
 * @return array
 public function getHeaders()
 return $this->_headers;
 * Clear headers
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function clearHeaders()
 $this->_headers = array();
 return $this;
 * Clears the specified HTTP header
 * @param string $name
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function clearHeader($name)
 if (! count($this->_headers)) {
  return $this;
 foreach ($this->_headers as $index => $header) {
  if ($name == $header['name']) {
 return $this;
 * Set raw HTTP header
 * Allows setting non key => value headers, such as status codes
 * @param string $value
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function setRawHeader($value)
 if ('Location' == substr($value, 0, 8)) {
  $this->_isRedirect = true;
 $this->_headersRaw[] = (string) $value;
 return $this;
 * Retrieve all {@link setRawHeader() raw HTTP headers}
 * @return array
 public function getRawHeaders()
 return $this->_headersRaw;
 * Clear all {@link setRawHeader() raw HTTP headers}
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function clearRawHeaders()
 $this->_headersRaw = array();
 return $this;
 * Clears the specified raw HTTP header
 * @param string $headerRaw
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function clearRawHeader($headerRaw)
 if (! count($this->_headersRaw)) {
  return $this;
 $key = array_search($headerRaw, $this->_headersRaw);
 if ($key !== false) {
 return $this;
 * Clear all headers, normal and raw
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function clearAllHeaders()
 return $this->clearHeaders()
 * Set HTTP response code to use with headers
 * @param int $code
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function setHttpResponseCode($code)
 if (!is_int($code) || (100 > $code) || (599 < $code)) {
  require_once 'Zend/Controller/Response/Exception.php';
  throw new Zend_Controller_Response_Exception('Invalid HTTP response code');
 if ((300 <= $code) && (307 >= $code)) {
  $this->_isRedirect = true;
 } else {
  $this->_isRedirect = false;
 $this->_httpResponseCode = $code;
 return $this;
 * Retrieve HTTP response code
 * @return int
 public function getHttpResponseCode()
 return $this->_httpResponseCode;
 * Can we send headers?
 * @param boolean $throw Whether or not to throw an exception if headers have been sent; defaults to false
 * @return boolean
 * @throws Zend_Controller_Response_Exception
 public function canSendHeaders($throw = false)
 $ok = headers_sent($file, $line);
 if ($ok && $throw && $this->headersSentThrowsException) {
  require_once 'Zend/Controller/Response/Exception.php';
  throw new Zend_Controller_Response_Exception('Cannot send headers; headers already sent in ' . $file . ', line ' . $line);
 return !$ok;
 * Send all headers
 * Sends any headers specified. If an {@link setHttpResponseCode() HTTP response code}
 * has been specified, it is sent with the first header.
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function sendHeaders()
 // Only check if we can send headers if we have headers to send
 if (count($this->_headersRaw) || count($this->_headers) || (200 != $this->_httpResponseCode)) {
 } elseif (200 == $this->_httpResponseCode) {
  // Haven't changed the response code, and we have no headers
  return $this;
 $httpCodeSent = false;
 foreach ($this->_headersRaw as $header) {
  if (!$httpCodeSent && $this->_httpResponseCode) {
  header($header, true, $this->_httpResponseCode);
  $httpCodeSent = true;
  } else {
 foreach ($this->_headers as $header) {
  if (!$httpCodeSent && $this->_httpResponseCode) {
  header($header['name'] . ': ' . $header['value'], $header['replace'], $this->_httpResponseCode);
  $httpCodeSent = true;
  } else {
  header($header['name'] . ': ' . $header['value'], $header['replace']);
 if (!$httpCodeSent) {
  header('HTTP/1.1 ' . $this->_httpResponseCode);
  $httpCodeSent = true;
 return $this;
 * Set body content
 * If $name is not passed, or is not a string, resets the entire body and
 * sets the 'default' key to $content.
 * If $name is a string, sets the named segment in the body array to
 * $content.
 * @param string $content
 * @param null|string $name
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function setBody($content, $name = null)
 if ((null === $name) || !is_string($name)) {
  $this->_body = array('default' => (string) $content);
 } else {
  $this->_body[$name] = (string) $content;
 return $this;
 * Append content to the body content
 * @param string $content
 * @param null|string $name
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function appendBody($content, $name = null)
 if ((null === $name) || !is_string($name)) {
  if (isset($this->_body['default'])) {
  $this->_body['default'] .= (string) $content;
  } else {
  return $this->append('default', $content);
 } elseif (isset($this->_body[$name])) {
  $this->_body[$name] .= (string) $content;
 } else {
  return $this->append($name, $content);
 return $this;
 * Clear body array
 * With no arguments, clears the entire body array. Given a $name, clears
 * just that named segment; if no segment matching $name exists, returns
 * false to indicate an error.
 * @param string $name Named segment to clear
 * @return boolean
 public function clearBody($name = null)
 if (null !== $name) {
  $name = (string) $name;
  if (isset($this->_body[$name])) {
  return true;
  return false;
 $this->_body = array();
 return true;
 * Return the body content
 * If $spec is false, returns the concatenated values of the body content
 * array. If $spec is boolean true, returns the body content array. If
 * $spec is a string and matches a named segment, returns the contents of
 * that segment; otherwise, returns null.
 * @param boolean $spec
 * @return string|array|null
 public function getBody($spec = false)
 if (false === $spec) {
  return ob_get_clean();
 } elseif (true === $spec) {
  return $this->_body;
 } elseif (is_string($spec) && isset($this->_body[$spec])) {
  return $this->_body[$spec];
 return null;
 * Append a named body segment to the body content array
 * If segment already exists, replaces with $content and places at end of
 * array.
 * @param string $name
 * @param string $content
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function append($name, $content)
 if (!is_string($name)) {
  require_once 'Zend/Controller/Response/Exception.php';
  throw new Zend_Controller_Response_Exception('Invalid body segment key ("' . gettype($name) . '")');
 if (isset($this->_body[$name])) {
 $this->_body[$name] = (string) $content;
 return $this;
 * Prepend a named body segment to the body content array
 * If segment already exists, replaces with $content and places at top of
 * array.
 * @param string $name
 * @param string $content
 * @return void
 public function prepend($name, $content)
 if (!is_string($name)) {
  require_once 'Zend/Controller/Response/Exception.php';
  throw new Zend_Controller_Response_Exception('Invalid body segment key ("' . gettype($name) . '")');
 if (isset($this->_body[$name])) {
 $new = array($name => (string) $content);
 $this->_body = $new + $this->_body;
 return $this;
 * Insert a named segment into the body content array
 * @param string $name
 * @param string $content
 * @param string $parent
 * @param boolean $before Whether to insert the new segment before or
 * after the parent. Defaults to false (after)
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function insert($name, $content, $parent = null, $before = false)
 if (!is_string($name)) {
  require_once 'Zend/Controller/Response/Exception.php';
  throw new Zend_Controller_Response_Exception('Invalid body segment key ("' . gettype($name) . '")');
 if ((null !== $parent) && !is_string($parent)) {
  require_once 'Zend/Controller/Response/Exception.php';
  throw new Zend_Controller_Response_Exception('Invalid body segment parent key ("' . gettype($parent) . '")');
 if (isset($this->_body[$name])) {
 if ((null === $parent) || !isset($this->_body[$parent])) {
  return $this->append($name, $content);
 $ins = array($name => (string) $content);
 $keys = array_keys($this->_body);
 $loc = array_search($parent, $keys);
 if (!$before) {
  // Increment location if not inserting before
 if (0 === $loc) {
  // If location of key is 0, we're prepending
  $this->_body = $ins + $this->_body;
 } elseif ($loc >= (count($this->_body))) {
  // If location of key is maximal, we're appending
  $this->_body = $this->_body + $ins;
 } else {
  // Otherwise, insert at location specified
  $pre = array_slice($this->_body, 0, $loc);
  $post = array_slice($this->_body, $loc);
  $this->_body = $pre + $ins + $post;
 return $this;
 * Echo the body segments
 * @return void
 public function outputBody()
 $body = implode('', $this->_body);
 echo $body;
 * Register an exception with the response
 * @param Exception $e
 * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 public function setException(Exception $e)
 $this->_exceptions[] = $e;
 return $this;
 * Retrieve the exception stack
 * @return array
 public function getException()
 return $this->_exceptions;
 * Has an exception been registered with the response?
 * @return boolean
 public function isException()
 return !empty($this->_exceptions);
 * Does the response object contain an exception of a given type?
 * @param string $type
 * @return boolean
 public function hasExceptionOfType($type)
 foreach ($this->_exceptions as $e) {
  if ($e instanceof $type) {
  return true;
 return false;
 * Does the response object contain an exception with a given message?
 * @param string $message
 * @return boolean
 public function hasExceptionOfMessage($message)
 foreach ($this->_exceptions as $e) {
  if ($message == $e->getMessage()) {
  return true;
 return false;
 * Does the response object contain an exception with a given code?
 * @param int $code
 * @return boolean
 public function hasExceptionOfCode($code)
 $code = (int) $code;
 foreach ($this->_exceptions as $e) {
  if ($code == $e->getCode()) {
  return true;
 return false;
 * Retrieve all exceptions of a given type
 * @param string $type
 * @return false|array
 public function getExceptionByType($type)
 $exceptions = array();
 foreach ($this->_exceptions as $e) {
  if ($e instanceof $type) {
  $exceptions[] = $e;
 if (empty($exceptions)) {
  $exceptions = false;
 return $exceptions;
 * Retrieve all exceptions of a given message
 * @param string $message
 * @return false|array
 public function getExceptionByMessage($message)
 $exceptions = array();
 foreach ($this->_exceptions as $e) {
  if ($message == $e->getMessage()) {
  $exceptions[] = $e;
 if (empty($exceptions)) {
  $exceptions = false;
 return $exceptions;
 * Retrieve all exceptions of a given code
 * @param mixed $code
 * @return void
 public function getExceptionByCode($code)
 $code = (int) $code;
 $exceptions = array();
 foreach ($this->_exceptions as $e) {
  if ($code == $e->getCode()) {
  $exceptions[] = $e;
 if (empty($exceptions)) {
  $exceptions = false;
 return $exceptions;
 * Whether or not to render exceptions (off by default)
 * If called with no arguments or a null argument, returns the value of the
 * flag; otherwise, sets it and returns the current value.
 * @param boolean $flag Optional
 * @return boolean
 public function renderExceptions($flag = null)
 if (null !== $flag) {
  $this->_renderExceptions = $flag ? true : false;
 return $this->_renderExceptions;
 * Send the response, including all headers, rendering exceptions if so
 * requested.
 * @return void
 public function sendResponse()
 if ($this->isException() && $this->renderExceptions()) {
  $exceptions = '';
  foreach ($this->getException() as $e) {
  $exceptions .= $e->__toString() . "\n";
  echo $exceptions;
 * Magic __toString functionality
 * Proxies to {@link sendResponse()} and returns response value as string
 * using output buffering.
 * @return string
 public function __toString()
 return ob_get_clean();


/** Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract */
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Response/Abstract.php';
 * Zend_Controller_Response_Http
 * HTTP response for controllers
 * @uses Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
 * @package Zend_Controller
 * @subpackage Response
class Zend_Controller_Response_Http extends Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract




Note: 默认地,前端控制器完成分发请求后调用sendResponse();一般地,你不需要调用它。但是,如果你想处理响应或者用它来测试你可以使用Zend_Controller_Front::returnResponse(true)设置returnResponse 标志覆盖默认行为:

$response = $front->dispatch();
// do some more processing, such as logging...
// and then send the output:


// Within an action controller action:
// Set a header
 ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')


Note: 如果使用动作控制器的 视图集成(view integration),你不需要在相应对象中设置渲染的视图脚本,因为Zend_Controller_Action::render() 默认完成了这些。

如果程序中发生了异常,检查响应对象的isException() 标志,使用getException()获取异常。此外,可以创建定制的响应对象重定向到错误页面,记录异常消息,漂亮的格式化异常消息等。


// retrieve post-dispatch:
$response = $front->getResponse();
if ($response->isException()) {
 // log, mail, etc...
// Or, have the front controller dispatch() process return it
$response = $front->dispatch();
// do some processing...
// finally, echo the response


$front->dispatch($request, $response);
// or:
$response = $front->dispatch();
// or:



canSendHeaders() 用来判别消息头是否已发送,该方法带有一个可选的标志指示消息头已发出时是否抛出异常。可以通过设置headersSentThrowsException 属性为false来覆盖默认设置。
setHeader($name, $value, $replace = false)用来设置单独的消息头。默认的不会替换已经存在的同名消息头,但可以设置$replace 为true强制替换.
setRedirect($url, $code = 302) 设置HTTP定位消息头准备重定向,如果提供HTTP状态码,重定向将会使用该状态码。
其内部调用setHeader()并使$replace 标志呈打开状态确保只发送一次定位消息头。
getHeaders() 返回一个消息头数组,每个元素都是一个带有'name'和'value'键的数组。
clearHeaders() 清除所有注册的键值消息头。
setRawHeader() 设置没有键值对的原始消息头,比如HTTP状态消息头。
getRawHeaders() 返回所有注册的原始消息头。
clearAllHeaders() 清除所有的消息头,包括原始消息头和键值消息头。

除了上述方法,还有获取和设置当前请求HTTP响应码的访问器, setHttpResponseCode() 和 getHttpResponseCode().



举例来说,你可以使用preDispatch() 钩子来向响应对象中加入页头,然后在动作控制器中加入主体内容,最后在postDispatch()钩子中加入页脚。

// Assume that this plugin class is registered with the front controller
class MyPlugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
 $response = $this->getResponse();
 $view = new Zend_View();
 $response->prepend('header', $view->render('header.phtml'));
 public function postDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
 $response = $this->getResponse();
 $view = new Zend_View();
 $response->append('footer', $view->render('footer.phtml'));
// a sample action controller
class MyController extends Zend_Controller_Action
 public function fooAction()


 'header' => ..., // header content
 'default' => ..., // body content from MyController::fooAction()
 'footer' => ... // footer content



setBody() 和 appendBody() 都允许传入一个$name参数,指示一个命名片段。如果提供了这个参数,将会覆盖指定的命名片段,如果该片段不存在就创建一个。如果没有传入$name参数到setBody(),将会重置整个主体内容。如果没有传入$name参数到appendBody(),内容被附加到'default'命名片段。
prepend($name, $content) 将创建一个$name命名片段并放置在数组的开始位置。如果该片段存在,将首先移除。
append($name, $content) 将创建一个$name命名片段,并放置在数组的结尾位置。 如果该片段存在,将首先移除。
insert($name, $content, $parent = null, $before = false) 将创建一个$name命名片段。如果提供$parent参数,新的片段视$before的值决定放置在
clearBody($name = null) 如果$name参数提供,将删除该片段,否则删除全部。
getBody($spec = false) 如果$spec参数为一个片段名称,将可以获取到该字段。若$spec参数为false,将返回字符串格式的命名片段顺序链。如果$spec参数为true,返回主体内容数组。



setException(Exception $e) 注册一个异常。
isException() 判断该异常是否注册。
getException() 返回整个异常堆。
hasExceptionOfType($type) 判断特定类的异常是否在堆中。
hasExceptionOfMessage($message) 判断带有指定消息的异常是否在堆中。
hasExceptionOfCode($code) 判断带有指定代码的异常是否在堆中。
getExceptionByType($type) 获取堆中特定类的所有异常。如果没有则返回false,否则返回数组。
getExceptionByMessage($message) 获取堆中带有特定消息的所有异常。如果没有则返回false,否则返回数组。
getExceptionByCode($code) 获取堆中带有特定编码的所有异常。如果没有则返回false,否则返回数组。
renderExceptions($flag) 设置标志指示当发送响应时是否发送其中的异常。






Tags: 教程 Framework Zend
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