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2016-08-30 13:17:10 来源:www.45fan.com 【


1、 数据层

数据层由四个类组成,其中两个位信息承载类,MovieDetails and CategoryDetails,只有属性,无任何方法,分别代表表moviescategories中某行。另外两个为基本数据操作类,提供相应的具体数据操作,分别为:Movies and Categories



+ movie_idint

+ category_id:int

+ level:string

+ title:string

+ intro:string

+ uptime: DateTime

+ showtime: DateTime

+ viewcount:int

+ image:string

+ address:string


+ category_id:int

+ name:string

+ category_intro:string


+Movies(in connectionString:string)












+Categories(in connectionString:string)












public Movies( string newConnectiionString)


public DataSet GetMovies(int category_id)


public DataSet GetHeadines(int category_id)


public DataSet GetAllMovies()


public DataSet GetMoviesByCount()


public DataSet GetHeadlines(int category_id)


public MoviesDetails GetMovieDetails(int movie_id)


public DataRow GetDetailsRow(int movie_id)


public int Add(int category_id,string level,string title,string intro,datetime uptime,datetime showtime,string image,string address)


public bool Update(int movie_id,int category_id,string level,string title,string intro,datetime showtime, string image,string address)


public bool Delete(int movie_id)


public bool AddViewcount(int movie_id)





public Categories( string newConnectiionString)


public DataSet GetCategories()


public DataSet GetCategoryName()


public CategoryDetails GetCategoryDetails(int category_id)


public DataRow GetDetailsRow(int category_id)


public int Add(string name,string category_intro)


public bool Update(int category_id,string name,string category_intro)


public bool Delete(int category_id)


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace Coofucoo.Data
public class MovieDetails
public int movie_id;
public int category_id;
public string level;
public string title;
public string intro;
public DateTime uptime;
public DateTime showtime;
public int viewcount;
public string image;
public string address;

public class Movies : Coofucoo.Core.DbObject
public Movies(string newConnectionString) : base(newConnectionString)

// return all the Movie of the specified category
public DataSet GetMovies(int category_id)
// create the parameters
SqlParameter[] parameters = {
new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)

// set the values
parameters[0].Value = category_id;

return RunProcedure("GetMovies", parameters, "movies");

// return all the Movie order by upload time
public DataSet GetAllMovies()
return RunProcedure("GetAllMovies",new IDataParameter[]{},"movies");

public DataSet GetMoviesByCount()
return RunProcedure("GetMoviesByCount",new IDataParameter[]{},"MoviesByCount");

// return the headlines for the current and approved Movie
public DataSet GetHeadlines(int category_id)
// create the parameter
SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) };
parameters[0].Value = category_id;

return RunProcedure("GetHeadines", parameters, "Headlines");

// return only the record with the specified ID
public MovieDetails GetMovieDetails(int movie_id)
// create the parameter
SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) };
parameters[0].Value = movie_id;

using(DataSet Movie = RunProcedure("GetMovieDetails", parameters, "MovieDetails"))
MovieDetails details = new MovieDetails();
// if the record was found, set the properties of the class instance
if (Movie.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
DataRow rowMovie = Movie.Tables[0].Rows[0];
details.movie_id = Convert.ToInt32(rowMovie["movie_id"]);
details.category_id = Convert.ToInt32(rowMovie["category_id"]);
details.level = rowMovie["levell"].ToString();
details.title = rowMovie["title"].ToString();
details.intro = rowMovie["intro"].ToString();
details.uptime = Convert.ToDateTime(rowMovie["uptime"]);
details.showtime = Convert.ToDateTime(rowMovie["showtime"]);
details.viewcount = Convert.ToInt32(rowMovie["viewcount"]);
details.image = rowMovie["image"].ToString();
details.address = rowMovie["address"].ToString();
details.movie_id = -1;

return details;

// return only the record with the specified ID
public DataRow GetDetailsRow(int movie_id)
// create the parameter
SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) };
parameters[0].Value = movie_id;

using(DataSet Movie = RunProcedure("GetMovieDetails", parameters, "MovieDetailsRow"))
return Movie.Tables[0].Rows[0];

// delete the record identified by the specified ID
public bool Delete(int movie_id)
int numAffected;

// create the parameter
SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) };
parameters[0].Value = movie_id;

RunProcedure("DeleteMovie", parameters, out numAffected);

return (numAffected == 1);

// update the Movie identified by the specified ID
public bool Update(int movie_id, int category_id, string level, string title, string intro,
DateTime showtime, string image, string address)
int numAffected;

// create the parameters
SqlParameter[] parameters = {
new SqlParameter("@movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4),
new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4),
new SqlParameter("@levell", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50),
new SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50),
new SqlParameter("@intro", SqlDbType.Text),
new SqlParameter("@showtime", SqlDbType.DateTime),
new SqlParameter("@image", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100),
new SqlParameter("@address", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100),

// set the values
parameters[0].Value = movie_id;
parameters[1].Value = category_id;
parameters[2].Value = level.Trim();
parameters[3].Value = title.Trim();
parameters[4].Value = intro.Trim();
parameters[5].Value = showtime;
parameters[6].Value = image.Trim();
parameters[7].Value = address.Trim();

RunProcedure("UpdateMovie", parameters, out numAffected);

return (numAffected == 1);

// add a Movie
public int Add(int category_id, string level, string title, string intro,
DateTime uptime, DateTime showtime, string image, string address)
int numAffected;

// create the parameters
SqlParameter[] parameters = {
new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4),
new SqlParameter("@level", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50),
new SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50),
new SqlParameter("@intro", SqlDbType.Text),
new SqlParameter("@uptime", SqlDbType.DateTime),
new SqlParameter("@showtime", SqlDbType.DateTime),
new SqlParameter("@image", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100),
new SqlParameter("@address", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100),
new SqlParameter("@movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)

// set the values
parameters[0].Value = category_id;
parameters[1].Value = level.Trim();
parameters[2].Value = title.Trim();
parameters[3].Value = intro.Trim();
parameters[4].Value = uptime;
parameters[5].Value = showtime;
parameters[6].Value = image.Trim();
parameters[7].Value = address.Trim();
parameters[8].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

RunProcedure("InsertMovie", parameters, out numAffected);

return (int)parameters[8].Value;

// set the Viewcount++
public bool AddViewcount(int movie_id)
int numAffected;

// create the parameters
SqlParameter[] parameters = {
new SqlParameter("@movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)

// set the values
parameters[0].Value = movie_id;

RunProcedure("AddViewcount", parameters, out numAffected);

return (numAffected == 1);


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace Coofucoo.Data
public class CategoryDetails
public int category_id;
public string name;
public string category_intro;

public class Categories : Coofucoo.Core.DbObject
public Categories(string newConnectionString) : base(newConnectionString)

// return all the Categories
public DataSet GetCategories()
return RunProcedure("GetCategories", new IDataParameter[]{}, "Categories");

// return all name of the Categories
public DataSet GetCategoryName()
return RunProcedure("GetCategoryName", new IDataParameter[]{}, "CategoryName");

// return only the record with the specified ID
public CategoryDetails GetCategoryDetails(int category_id)
// create the parameter
SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) };
parameters[0].Value = category_id;

using(DataSet categories = RunProcedure("GetCategoryDetails", parameters, "CategoryDetails"))
CategoryDetails details = new CategoryDetails();
// if the record was found, set the properties of the class instance
if (categories.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
DataRow rowCategory = categories.Tables[0].Rows[0];
details.category_id = (int)rowCategory["category_id"];
details.name = rowCategory["name"].ToString();
details.category_intro = rowCategory["category_intro"].ToString();
details.category_id = -1;

return details;

// return only the record with the specified ID
public DataRow GetDetailsRow(int category_id)
// create the parameter
SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) };
parameters[0].Value = category_id;

using(DataSet categories = RunProcedure("GetCategoryDetails", parameters, "CategoryDetails"))
return categories.Tables[0].Rows[0];

// delete the record identified by the specified ID
public bool Delete(int category_id)
int numAffected;

// create the parameter
SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) };
parameters[0].Value = category_id;

RunProcedure("DeleteCategory", parameters, out numAffected);

return (numAffected == 1);

// update Name, Description and ImageUrl of the record identified by the specified ID
public bool Update(int category_id, string name, string category_intro)
int numAffected;

// create the parameters
SqlParameter[] parameters = {
new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4),
new SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50),
new SqlParameter("@category_intro", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100),
// set the values
parameters[0].Value = category_id;
parameters[1].Value = name.Trim();
parameters[2].Value = category_intro.Trim();

RunProcedure("UpdateCategory", parameters, out numAffected);

return (numAffected == 1);

// add a new category
public int Add(string name, string category_intro)
int numAffected;

// create the parameters
SqlParameter[] parameters = {
new SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50),
new SqlParameter("@category_intro", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),
new SqlParameter("@category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4),

// set the values
parameters[0].Value = name.Trim();
parameters[1].Value = category_intro.Trim();
parameters[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

// run the procedure
RunProcedure("InsertCategory", parameters, out numAffected);

return (int)parameters[2].Value;



Tags: 打造 一步 3层
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